
  • Where do you source the helmets? The helmets are manufactured by a reputable Thai company and are specifically sized to provide a proper fit for children between the ages of 4-14. Each helmet meets all government safety certifications for Thailand.

  • What styles or colors are available? We currently focus on providing practical and safe helmets. While styles and colors may vary depending on availability, our priority is ensuring every child receives a properly fitted helmet.

  • Can I request a helmet for my child? Yes. If you join me at a specific date and time with your child. I will give your child a helmet and make a video with you. But due to lighting and weather conditions, filming is limited to a short window. You can’t be late. 

  • Where do you give away your helmets? Recently. I have been doing my free helmet give-aways in Jomtien and Pattaya City, Thailand

    How long have you been giving away helmets? I started in December of 2023. And it started by me researching and buying and testing every helmet I could find for sale.


  • How can I sponsor a helmet? You can contribute to our mission by donating as little as $15 USD (or 555 Thai baht) for each  helmet through our GoFundMe page or by Paypal. Each sponsored helmet will proudly display your logo or TikTok avatar.

  • I'm a company, can I sponsor a school or target a specific area? Absolutely! We welcome corporate sponsorships to distribute helmets in bulk. The minimum order quantity is 300 helmets, and branding can be included during the manufacturing process. Please contact us for more details and to discuss targeting specific regions within Thailand.

Impact and Goals:

  • How many helmets have you given away so far? We're thrilled to share that we've distributed over 275 helmets to date!

  • What is your overall goal for this project? Our ambitious goal is to give away one million helmets across Thailand, significantly improving child safety while riding bikes and scooters.

Additional Questions:

  • How can I ensure my child's helmet fits properly? We recommend referring to a sizing guide to get a good starting point. Ideally, you can try on different sized helmets to find one that sits snugly but comfortably on your child's head. The helmet should not rock or move excessively when secured.

  • How often should I replace my child's helmet? It's crucial to replace your child's helmet after any impact, even if there's no visible damage. Helmets are designed to absorb a single impact, and their effectiveness is compromised after a fall. We also recommend replacing a helmet every 3-5 years due to natural wear and tear. 

  • Do you accept used helmets? For safety and legal reasons, we cannot accept used helmets. We only source our helmets directly from the manufacturer. However, we encourage you to check with local recycling facilities or bike shops for used helmet donation programs. Used helmets are illegal to resell in many countries. 

  • Many foreigners have this false idea that Thai people will not wear helmets and simply sell them down the street. No evidence exists to back up their claim. I personally checked and got laughed at several times.

We hope this FAQ answers your questions! If you have any further inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact me.